Part 503 – Fighting Impaired

Robin reached the end of the scent trail.

No one was there.

He frowned and sniffed the air.

His gaze travelled upwards.

But his prey wasn’t up there.

He knew it.

There was a flash of movement on his bad side. Before he could turn to see, someone shoved him up against the alley’s wall.

He cringed as he caught the scent of the stake.





He snarled at the hunter.

I ain’t helpless.

I’ll prove it to you, ‘sellta.

And to myself.

He unleashed his claws. There were a couple that were missing, thanks to Olessa. His thumb claws were permanently chipped.

But the claws that he still possessed were still sharp.

He lashed out at the hunter’s half-clear, half-clouded image.

And she lashed back with kicks and blows.

She was fast.

She was powerful.

And she wasn’t hindered by one bad eye.

She broke him down to the alley’s dirt and garbage strewn ground.

And for a moment, her half-clear, half-clouded face turned into Olessa.

Olessa with her cruelty.

Olessa with her heartlessness.

Olessa with her dagger.

He roared and tackled her.

He pinned her.

His fangs found her neck.

She struggled to break free.

He bit down and drank until the blood high hit him.

The hunter stopped moving.


Isellta found him in the grips of a blood high.


He can hunt.

I should leave him alone.

He blinked fast as he considered the second meaning of that line.

Would he miss me?

I don’t think he would.

But he is human. Who can say for certain?

Yet…he’s fine.

He’ll be fine on his own.

He doesn’t need me to protect him.

I should leave him alone.

Isellta tread softly to the vampire and spread his hand on top of his head. “Good-bye, Robin.”

Isellta disappeared.

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